Law of One - Universal Law Thirteen Principles of Natural Laws Human Rights 🇩🇰 🇬🇧 🇩🇪

Thirteen Principles of Natural Laws

We can live in conscious participation to align with the Natural Laws, which will support our path of Gnostic revelation during the Ascension Cycle, and support the actualization of our purpose and mission on earth. Choosing Love as our constant guide is the key to everything, as our pure heart and inner spirit will guide us through these mysteries in order to truly know ourselves. Consider meditating and reflecting on what these laws mean in your life, and notice when they are operating. Intentionally choosing to work with these Natural Laws in the love polarity to positively impact your manifestations for achieving your highest purpose, and to circulate more love and goodness on the planet.

1. Law of Mentalism

Astrological Correspondence - Aries - Mars - Fire
Chakra and Sphere 1, Subconscious Mind of Ego/Personality

The Universal Law of Mentalism correlates to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of Unity above it, in that all things share a connection with the Universal Mind, and therefore are subjected to the Law of Structure that creates all things. Whether it is referred to as the mind of God, or the mind of All One, this is the pure consciousness of infinite intelligence that expresses its principle through natural laws, spiritual laws that govern our creation. All things are made of intelligent energy that are expressed through the energetic substance, frequency-vibration, Blueprint, and an active power of motion, which takes direction from the instruction sets set forth and created from the mind. All things are created from a state of mind, a quality of thought and that which has been co-created within a system of energy, such as a planetary consciousness. Everything that we observe in the manifested worlds are the result of a mental state, a belief system that has preceded it.

When an individual observes the interaction of thoughts within thoughts, and neutrally observes all thoughts and actions, this law begins to be understood and applied to personal wellbeing and spiritual growth. It is critical to master this law first, in order to influence all other Natural Laws, as the mental plane has the ability to influence what happens in multiple dimensional planes all simultaneously. Our thoughts influence multiple planes, within our own lightbody and in the outer realities. They have an energetic effect, as well as a spiritual effect which we may not see with our visible eyes, but takes place in the subtle forces around us, permeating into multiple stations of identities and realities.

Comprehending this principle allows the spiritual seeker to apply their mental body functions to serve their highest expression, which influences all other Natural Laws and allows us to interact and interconnect with many other layers of intelligent energy. These are the consciousness aspects of other selves that exist in other dimensions, such as Soul, Monad and Avatar, as well as the intelligence aspects that exist within our physical body, heart and emotional layers. It is wise to remember thoughts are things, they are the seeds from which our garden grows and in order to change the harvest, we must first plant new seeds.

2. Law of Correspondence

Astrological Correspondence - Taurus - Venus - Earth
Chakra and Sphere 2, Instinctual Mind of Ego/Personality
Royal Star - Aldebaran

The Universal Law of Correspondence shows us that which is expressed from the inner world, is matched in what expresses in the outer world, and vice versa. On the spiritual path, our ultimate goal is to express more balance and symmetry between the layers of correspondence that we become aware of. The principle expresses the idea that there is always a correspondence which can be observed in patterns between the Natural Laws of consciousness that exist simultaneously in the multiple dimensional planes of being and life. As above, so below; as below, so above. What is manifested in the material world, reflects the quality of the thought behind the pattern from the unmanifest layers. This principle also states that there is a correspondence between multiple planes of reality which may form into integrated and harmonious interactions delineated as: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes, at the individual (microcosmic) and collective (macrocosmic) levels.

If we want to understand more about the causal reality and events happening around us, we look at the macrocosm to the microcosm, and the microcosm to the macrocosm and we observe the interconnections and patterns that are present there. To understand the nature of problems and life lessons, we look beyond the linear thinking of the issue. Instead we look at what exists in the energetic layers that created it, to see the patterns and the shadows of what generated that situation.

If we want to see the accumulated thoughtforms that have created an organization, if we want to reverse engineer something that has manifested, we look for the correspondences. We look at how that thing was created by observing the macro to micro patterns, the influence of the system of energy that was co-created, and the motivations that are behind it. The Law of Correspondence informs us of the original intent and quality of thoughtforms that were used to co-create a manifestation, in which we can observe causality through the mirror of reality. In this way, it is very similar to the basic comprehension of the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Correspondence is magnified by the importance of its position in our Universal Time Matrix. This Law manifests as the Guardian of the Eastern direction in the Pillar architecture that forms one side of the Four Cardinal Directions (N-S-E-W), that are measured in the Cosmic Time Cycle. The new celestial direction in the cosmic time cycle form into the King-Queen mandala of the Crown of the Magi, which belong to the Aeonic Pair, and is a type of Cosmic Celestial Time Calendar that opens up into Infinity, or the 360 Worlds. This is why Aldebaran is referred to as the Guardian of the East, and is one of the set cardinal directions of the Four Royal Stars. Hence, Aldebaran and the histories of the Michael Wars have impact on the Law of Correspondence, which form into many of the thought reversals used to hijack the Law of Attraction for Service to Self or harmful purposes.

Law of Attraction

In the New Thought philosophy, the Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. The belief is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from pure energy, and that through the process of like energy attracting like energy a person can improve their own health, wealth, and personal relationships.

The Law of Attraction is among the most popular of the Universal Laws. Advocates of this mind-power paradigm generally combine cognitive reframing techniques with affirmations and creative visualization to replace limiting or self-destructive ("negative") thoughts with more empowered, adaptive ("positive") thoughts. A key component of the philosophy is that in order to effectively change one's negative thinking patterns, one must also "feel" (through creative visualization) that the desired changes have already occurred. This combination of positive thought and positive emotion is believed to allow one to attract positive experiences and opportunities by achieving resonance with the proposed energetic law. Our Actions bring our Results.

Whatever quality of energies that we prepare our body to be resonant with or express as a spiritual conduit, whether it is positive forces or negative forces, is what we allow ourselves to be in consent with. We all want to understand the difference between positive and negative forces, so that we can determine the positive and negative effects that these forces will return, when they manifest in our life. If we do not understand the Causality of effects that happen in our life, and if we cannot determine the difference between positive or negative forces when they are acting in our life, we become very confused and unhappy.

Positive actions bring positive results.
Negative actions bring negative results.
Our actions bring our own results.

A positive cause will reap a positive outcome. This may not be visible in a specific event, especially if you are trying to control the outcome toward something that you have labeled as positive. It is not up to us to decide the outcome of events by intentionally manipulating to get what we think we want, because that interferes with synchronicity of the Law. Interference attracts more interference. Getting what we think we want to make us happy is not always positive. Many times this can bring negative results. We must learn to use our heart and feel into it first. The goal is to know that the more positive deeds and actions we generate, the more positive effects we will accumulate, to bring more positive results in our life. Positive results are not purely materialistic objects, but the heart source inside of things that truly bring us happiness, peace and fulfillment. If we choose to be in consent with positive forces, and we want to multiply them in our life, we understand that our positive deeds and actions will create more positive forces, and this causes the ripple of positive effects that will return good results back to us.

A negative cause will reap a negative outcome. If we dwell in the negative forces, and if we carry out negative actions, this generates more negative results in our life. Negative effects that seem to be repeatedly occurring are coming from negative causes. If this is occurring, our job will be to really study our behaviors and actions to be able to determine what negative forces or negative causes are contributing to the problem, so we can clear them out. The biggest problem with negative forces is that most people have been conditioned to think negative forces are actually positive forces, so they are very confused about how these forces actually impact them.

3. Law of Polarity

Astrological Correspondence - Gemini – Mercury – Air
Chakra and Sphere 3, Conscious Mind of Ego/Personality

The natural Law of Polarity, also referred to as the Pair of Opposites is intertwined with the Law of Gender but is not to be confused as the same thing. Essentially, it means that things that may appear as opposites are actually varying degrees of positive and negative poles or one of the two sides of the same thing. There are two sides of polarity that exists within everything. Everything is dual; everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites, and the opposites are identical in nature but exist in different degrees. When we can see both sides of these polarities operating in the world, we can elevate above the opposing energies and the issues they may generate, by observing them from the neutral state. We can transform our thoughts and transform the situation by simply raising our vibration from out of the polarized state, by holding neutral or Compassionate Witnessing. All manifested things have two sides, two aspects, or two poles. So, taking in this information every person, place or thing will have an energetic polarity in particle matter and its double in anti-particle matter, and that combination is balanced or weighted in one form of energetic polarity or its opposite. Ultimately our spiritual goal is to unify and link up the particle matter and anti-particle matter of our Consciousness and body via the process of polarity integration. Polarity Integration is identifying and locating that consciousness content we have which may be unable to link and bond together, and then intending to unify them through the witness in the neutral point or through the love vibration. This practice is the art of mental alchemy and transmutation of the lower vibration of fear. This is also represented within our physical gender bodies, which express as a polarity in matter form, when incarnated in a male or female body. While our physical body may appear to exist in one polarity form in matter, our internal and external energies exist in both male and female principles simultaneously.

4. Law of Rhythm

Astrological Correspondence - Cancer – Moon, Jupiter - Water
Chakra and Sphere 4, Astral Mind of Solar Body

The Law of Rhythm expresses the principle that between the opposing poles of polarity, in everything there is a manifested and measured motion of energy, a to and from, an outflow and inflow, a swing backward and forward, which expresses as a pendulum-like movement. There is rhythm between every pair of opposites, or poles, that is always undulating and always changing. When we are in alignment to the Law of Rhythm, we understand that our mental state and bio-rhythm are also governed by these patterns of oscillating movements in the macrocosm, cycles of life and death, rising and falling, creation and destruction, stellar alignments and astrological influences. With the awareness of how this will manifest in our lives, we can adjust ourselves to return to energetic balance when we feel the pendulum thrusting us off kilter or backwards into extremes. To find our Energetic Balance in the Law of Rhythm, we look for finding moderation and conservation in the use of our energy, thoughts and behaviors, returning ourselves back into balance before we suffer from the consequences of unresolved extreme inner and outer imbalances. Knowing when to act or be passive, when to speak or remain silent, when to retreat or move forward in circumstances, are one of the keys to self-mastery. When we gain higher awareness of this principle, through compassionate witnessing we enter the Zero Point, and this transcendental state of consciousness allows us to rise above the swing of the pendulum. When we are strong and capable to maintain neutral in the chaos of rising and falling forces, we are then able to act in alignment to our highest purpose and spiritual mission.

5. Law of Suggestion

Astrological Correspondence - Leo – Fire – Sun, Maldek (Asteroid Belt)
Chakra and Sphere 5, Archetypal Mind of Solar Body
Royal Star - Regulus

Essentially, this means we are the sum total of our accumulated thoughts and beliefs, what has been suggested to us through spoken words, our direct experiences and interpretations of life, subconsciously, Consciously and through our spiritual bodies. What is spoken, what is heard, what is seen and perceived from this body filter, is the suggestion of what we become. This consciousness principle also explains the gathering of inner strength that is required to go beyond what is spoken and heard, therefore was suggested to us from environmental conditioning, such as the family of origin inherited beliefs and behaviors. How do we shift out from the accumulated results of the millions of suggestions sent out to us since birth? We must learn how to speak clearly by directing focused mental energy upon a positive idea or loving thoughtform, in order to magnify that spoken word or thoughtform substance into the manifest. Yet, holding Observer Point without attachment to how it actually manifests. Or this may define the discipline and inner strength we find deep inside our heart-based convictions, the power that is required to examine our thought processes and motivations that have been inherited, and to choose to redirect the spoken words into more positive thoughts and loving behaviors that serve one’s highest expression. We constantly send out and receive energetic patterns of spoken and heard suggestions, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, as that content we are being exposed to within the environment which is interactive with the sum total of our multidimensional experiences. To abuse this Natural Law, the people of earth are subjected to Electronic harassment and Mind Control bombardment, which interferes with the spoken and heard suggestions subliminally. This is scrambling our DNA Signals, thus we generally receive more inorganic and artificial messages, rather than the organic and authentic messages from divine intelligence, until we begin to spiritually ascend and awaken.

When suggested thoughts have a powerful emotion associated with them, whether positive or negative, the strongest emotion will tend to rule how the thoughtform is realized into matter. Strong emotional fear will always hold one back in manifestation, and override a weaker emotional desire to succeed or expand. This is why the Controllers use complex layers of fear programming through subconscious suggestion, as it blocks our mind and personal will to manifest clearly. To gain emotional clarity, we must tame the unruly nature of our personal instinctual desires and negative emotions, and direct the inner fire of our actions to serve personal enlightenment on the road to achieving consciousness freedom. It is only when we have opened our heart-mind interaction, by practicing loving kindness towards ourselves and others, that it cleanses our mental impurities and accumulation of inverted or fear based suggestions. This is what is required to transcend the artificial suggestions being broadcasted into our mind, body and spirit, reprogramming the fear-based suggestions into loving kindness, so we can achieve our spiritual goals by actualizing our spiritual mission and Blueprint.

Through our energy centers or chakra centers, we receive the subtle energies from the Solar Light attracted through the quality of our thoughts and emotions, and we direct these energies into the external to co-create a harmonious and peaceful environment for ourselves and others. The purpose of our incarnation is to gradually embody the full actualization of our inner light source, a reflection of our inner Sun, but we must learn how to use our life force and energy resources properly and in alignment to our heart based and authentic spiritual being. The more consciously we participate with directing our personal power in alignment to our higher purpose, in Service to Others, we steadily increase the likelihood of our ability to transmit the spiritual power of the Solar Light to recreate the peaceful state of the Garden of Eden in our personal life. Through the Solar Light, the Sun, we feel loving vibrations and gain immense spiritual power and strength, thus this consciousness principle is also connected to the building of our Lightbody, and is also referred to as the Law of Strength.

The Law of Suggestion/Strength is magnified by the importance of its position in our Universal Time Matrix. This Law manifests as the Guardian of the Northern direction in the Pillar architecture that forms one side of the Four Cardinal Directions (N-S-E-W) that are measured in the Cosmic Time Cycle. This is why Regulus is referred to as the Guardian of the North, and is one of the set cardinal directions of the Four Royal Stars.

6. Law of Response

Astrological Correspondence - Virgo – Mercury, Jupiter - Earth
Chakra and Sphere 6, Celestial Mind of Solar Body

This law means that when we genuinely seek guidance and help from the spiritual-energetic realms, and we pray or ask directly for that guidance and support, that we will always receive a response. It is our responsibility to learn how to listen to the whisper in the stillness of our heart for that direct response to our question, or allow ourselves to be in beginner’s mind to receive the answer to our request. We must ask directly and state our request for help as clearly as possible, with loving vibrations. We must be careful to not let fear and anger overtake us, as we may be sent an Imposter Spirit or hostile entity. When we do not feel an immediate answer, it is because our spiritual connection is weak or it is related to timing and location, in which to properly receive the message. Keep asking, intending to connect with God Source. Spirit and the consciousness realm communicate in feelings, emotions and animations, it guides us through our sensory feelings. When we feel lost in the darkness and chaos of this world, blinded by the fear or confusion of the Negative Ego, we can always ask for help and get a response. When we feel isolated and alone, or need to discern a situation more clearly with more information, ask and stay open minded. The light within us will ignite a spark allowing the ego to dissolve in the light, so we begin to hear the inner message within the light. Christ said, “Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”, essentially this is the Law of Response.

Additionally, the Law of Response is interpreted as the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is the most essential basis for the modern concept of human rights, in which each individual has a right to just treatment, and a reciprocal responsibility to ensure justice for others. The Golden Rule is an ethical code, or moral truth that essentially states, one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. It is commonly referred to as "do unto others". This concept describes a two-way relationship between one's self and others, that involves both sides equally and in a mutual benefit or win-win fashion. The Golden Rule is a principle of Oneness or Unity that can be explained from the perspective of psychology, philosophy, sociology, religion and spirituality. This is why it is such a powerful statement and principle to live one’s life by. It is a Universal Language that is actually a Universal Law, the Law of Response.

Golden Rule

Many more human beings have been inducted into the Ascension process and are now enduring the intense levels of personal dismantling. All we had a lifestyle built around is being challenged to the very core of our existence and this can feel hurtful. We are forced to adapt to the moment to moment changing terrain impacting our life. Everything is in the now moment. When our core existence is challenged during such immense levels of transformation, we may feel the magnification of the smallest issue be amplified so that it feels like a life or death matter. This may feel scary, we can feel threatened by being forced to change. This is why knowing these changes are critical for our evolution and trying to surrender to them without fighting it, lashing out or becoming angry will make the process easier. Greater acceptance is required now, learning how to surrender is a daily practice. Problems we used to obsess about or believe they were a “big deal”, are losing their importance in our lives. There is something so much larger happening here. There is nothing to hold onto any longer. We must become less attached to things and be willing to “let go” of spiritually bankrupt values in order to survive the transformation required to become more balanced with our own sense being a true human being. So what does it mean for us to be in alignment to the God Source and Law of One, which is the same as asking; what does it mean to be a true humanitarian?

What do I Value?

Beginning to explore what this means is that each of us have a requirement to place an internal and external dialogue to explore the profound change that this places on our own personal values and personal lifestyle. What we value, what we place importance upon is undergoing fundamental changes because it has to change. That fundamental change is requiring us to be Reeducated to Value All Human life, and to promote All living things for a true humanity to be restored to this planet.

What is needed here of which we could all learn and improve upon together - is a reawakening and a re-commitment to the basic values of human existence - the standards of ethical behavior that define and "make or break" the character of a human being. This concept is intrinsic to the Law of One Practices and their Principles, of which this website materials are based, however we could expand on the detail of what these guidelines are and how to practice them in daily life.

All of the world's spiritual traditions have been rooted in ancient and eternal wisdom-at the fundamental level before they became misguided through the lens of the negative ego distortions sourcing from the Negative Alien Agenda, the core Universal teachings in ALL spiritual traditions have been based in the GOLDEN RULE. The Golden Rule and discovering the ethical standard it places upon us in our life has much to teach us all. This has a deep and enduring knowledge to impart to us at every level in societal structures and this helps us to learn how we can be the best we can be. As we learn to better understand how to be in group consciousness, how to participate with others and access the Unity intelligence of the Christos (Krystal) consciousness, our task is to find harmony and peace within ourselves and with each other.

The Golden Rule is the most essential basis for the modern concept of human rights, in which each individual has a right to just treatment, and a reciprocal responsibility to ensure justice for others.

The Golden Rule is an ethical code, or moral truth that essentially states :
One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.
It is commonly referred to as "Do unto others".
This concept describes a or "two-way", relationship between one's self and others that involves both sides equally, and in a mutual benefit or win-win fashion.

Universal Language

The Golden Rule is a principle of ONENESS or Unity and can be explained from the perspective of psychology, philosophy, sociology, and religion and spirituality. This is why it is such a powerful statement and principle to live one’s life. It is a Universal Language. With psychology, it can be explained as involving a person that empathizes with others. Philosophically, it involves a person perceiving their neighbor as also a part of the self or the I. Sociologically, this principle is applied between individuals, between groups, and also between individuals and groups. (For example, a person living by this rule treats all people with this consideration, not just members of his or her in-group, as this practice defies bias made through race, religion, countries or genetics. All Religions originally on this planet are stemming from some portion of Universal Truth as a part of their teaching of values to society. The Golden Rule is an integral part of the history of this concept of ethical values and ethical conduct to develop principles of one’s personal character as well to engender a connection to the overall, such as develop a connection to family, a connection to community, a connection to the planet. Thus it further develops our innate desire to be a part of the whole and answer to our social responsibilities to help build a World Humanism.

As a concept of entering into creating "mutually beneficial relationships," it has its roots in a wide range of world cultures, and is a standard way that different cultures use to resolve conflicts. This is why it crosses all language barriers, and pyscho-social barriers. All versions and forms of the proverbial Golden Rule have one aspect in common: they all demand that people treat others in a manner in which they themselves would like to be treated.

For a moment lets look at:
Universality of the Golden Rule

Christianity - "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye so to them; for this is the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:1

Confucianism - "Do not do to others what you would not like yourself. Then there will be no resentment against you, either in the family or in the state." Analects 12:2

Buddhism - "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful." Udana-Varga 5,1

Hinduism - "This is the sum of duty; do naught onto others what you would not have them do unto you." Mahabharata 5,1517

Islam - "No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself." Sunnah

Judaism - "What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman. This is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary." Talmud, Shabbat 3id

Taoism - "Regard your neighbor’s gain as your gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss." Tai Shang Kan Yin P’ien

Zoroastrianism - "That nature alone is good which refrains from doing another whatsoever is not good for itself." Dadisten-I-dinik, 94,5

What is the most important thing is that at its root, all religions and spiritual teachings start with a fundamental understanding that shares the common language of The Golden Rule. This allows us no matter what language we speak, no matter what race we are, or country we live in, we can always relate to one another and start with a powerful communication. As we apply the Golden Rule and its principles as a part of the ethical standard we create in our personal lives, and within the community setting, we learn to become the living example of being a true humanitarian that values life. This action puts us in alignment to the God Source, in so that we may become the direct knower of that Source, and be at One with the eternal living light.

7. Law of Cause and Effect

Astrological Correspondence - Libra – Venus, Saturn - Air
Chakra and Sphere 7, Ketheric Mind of Monadic Body

Whatever quality of energy is generated from thought, emotion or behaviors, this combination sets into motion a cycle of energy that must eventually return back to its causal source, completing its circuit. There are many dimensional planes of causation, but nothing will escape the law, because at the end of the cycle all is accounted for. It is up to each of us to understand and make proper use of this law, because on the path of Expanding Consciousness, we learn that we will have to answer for our actions, we will account for the energy we were given. There is no such thing as randomness, chance or luck, as there is a cause for every effect, and an effect for every cause. The empowering point of aligning to this principle is to make the conscious choice to rise above the negative or limiting thoughtforms of the masses, and choose to become your own cause in reality, not just the effect of others and the situations that you find yourself in. This important distinction gives one the ability to rise above the archetypal roles of Victim-Victimizer or Master-Slave.

We all are required to understand the difference between positive and negative forces, so that we can determine the positive and negative effects that these forces will return, when they manifest in our life. If we do not understand the causality of effects that happen in our life, and if we cannot determine the difference between positive or negative forces when they are acting in our life, we become very confused and unhappy.

Positive and loving actions bring positive and loving results.
Negative and fear-based actions bring negative and fear-based results.
Our actions bring our own results, through the quality based in the polarity chosen, love or fear.

Humanity was given the freedom to choose, and according to the alignment of our thoughts and decisions, we experience contentment or chaos, enlightenment or delusion. We must learn from our past decisions, and take what we learned from any unpleasant results in order to make more positive and loving choices in the future. Learning from our mistakes is the process of cultivating right thinking and right alignment, if our pain increases, the awareness is that change and transformation of the way we do things is required. As a result, we must be very clear about our Personal Value System and where we place our attention, time and focus, as where we direct our interest will initiate movement forward through the Law of Cycles, in either love or fear vibrations. Law of Conservation

All human beings are responsible for their thoughts, deeds, actions and behaviors, all of these are direct choices made by each person in the moment and will have direct Energetic Consequences. Whatever quality of energies we generate, take from others and distribute into the environment we are directly accountable for. The energetic consequence of our choices prepare our body to be resonant with or hold the same Vibration as a spiritual conduit, whether it is positive forces or negative forces. What we embody is what we allow ourselves to be in Consent with. Whatever kind of consciousness force we are in consent with (whether we know this or not), is the Frequency that our body and Consciousness is subjected to in Universal Law. The quality of spiritual force will have corresponding dimensional laws which govern the actions of that quality of that spirit.

Thus, it is in our highest expression to align only with those energies that are in alignment with our spiritual growth and help to develop and support Lightbody building.

Conserving Energy for Spiritual Growth

...to conserve our energy resources to be applied only in resonance with the exchange of our soul and its purposes...when shifted into the full expression of divine order, following our soul blueprint rather than following human order. There is no room for energy leakages, one way exchanges or parasitic, co-dependent behaviours.


Conservation is being able to discern the Right Use of Action – harnesses precious time and life force energies to be more effective and impactful. Cultivate the wisdom in when to engage and learn when not to engage with others or conflicting circumstances. No person needs to justify their existence to another or to care what people think of them. Staying clear of emotional tantrums and dramas and not engaging means you do not feed the drama to escalate into chaos. Dark Forces use drama to instigate schisms and chaos between yourself and others, making us less effective and scattering our energies. Conserving energy means a stronger focus, and one becomes more effective and productive. When we learn this skill, we gain more resources, and connection with our spiritual sources. If we waste time and energy, we reach an energy threshold that cannot be increased, draining us, and therefore dissipates its positive influence.

Law of Correspondence

Astrological Correspondence - Taurus – Venus – Earth
Chakra and Sphere 2, Instinctual Mind of Ego/Personality
Royal Star - Aldebaran

The Universal Law of Correspondence shows us that which is expressed from the inner world, is matched in what expresses in the outer world, and vice versa. On the spiritual path, our ultimate goal is to express more balance and symmetry between the layers of correspondence that we become aware of. The principle expresses the idea that there is always a correspondence which can be observed in patterns between the Natural Laws of consciousness that exist simultaneously in the multiple dimensional planes of being and life. As above, so below; as below, so above. What is manifested in the material world, reflects the quality of the thought behind the pattern from the unmanifest layers. This principle also states that there is a correspondence between multiple planes of reality which may form into integrated and harmonious interactions delineated as: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes, at the individual (microcosmic) and collective (macrocosmic) levels. Law of Correspondence interacts with the Law of Conservation in the management of resources in Systems of Energy, thus is included here.

8. Law of Transformation

Astrological Correspondence - Scorpio – Pluto - Water
Chakra and Sphere 8, Metatronic or Monadic Mind of Monadic Body
Royal Star - Antares

As our consciousness moves through the energy matrix of time, the results of our experiences are transforming us on multiple planes simultaneously, passing from one stage into another in an eternal cycle. In these cycles, there is no real death only transformation of the energy form into another form, as Consciousness moves throughout the timelines in a perpetual state of death and rebirth. For the purposes of spiritual growth, we will encounter many situations and events that will constantly evolve and change, and as these situations end, transformation occurs in which new situations will take their place. All of the experiences we have, the change and transformation that we have endured, is intelligent consciousness information, acquired knowledge that we will take with us wherever we go. The Ego Death occurs when the false identity and old way of thinking dies and an aspect of ourselves is reborn, this also encompasses the consciousness principle of the Law of Transformation. To achieve the inner alchemy of synthesizing the polarity of the energies that we are exposed to, we are constantly transforming the energies, transforming ourselves, transforming the Timelines. Through every transformative event, we are elevating ourselves towards achieving spiritual liberation and transcendence. We move through various portals of change and transformation throughout our life, or we move entirely into another dimension of reality.

The Law of Transformation is magnified by the importance of its position in our Universal Time Matrix, and that it is directly infused with the Laws of Alchemy that instigate spiritual Ascension. This Law manifests as the Guardian of the Western direction in the Pillar architecture that forms one side of the Four Cardinal Directions (N-S-E-W) that are measured in the Cosmic Time Cycle. This is why Antares is referred to as the Guardian of the West, and is one of the set cardinal directions of the Four Royal Stars.

9. Law of Transcendence

Astrological Correspondence - Ophiuchus – Chiron - Divine Fire Water – The Golden Gate
Chakra and Sphere 9, Keriatric or Causal Mind of Monadic Body

Through the pursuit of enlightenment and the result of the awakened consciousness, the ego loses dominance and we recognize the flow of the divine, the spirit within everything. We naturally choose to consciously participate in co-creating with God Source, in order to generate more goodness for everyone on the earth. The Law of Transcendence is the moment we experience the sacred vibration of love as omnipresent, we feel the mind of God permeating our mind, and we are able to grasp Universal Knowledge beyond the state of reasoning, without the assistance of the current human belief systems. Through our inner state of heightening the superconsciousness experience, we gain direct knowing from perfect concentration, and the alignment to the greater purpose of divine will is known and that knowledge supersedes all self pre-occupation and personal desires. Through transcendence of the earthly personality, we become aware of our consciousness power to understand the operation of general causes and effects, observing the Natural Laws in action, focused on the consciousness direction of attaining truth, Virtue-Ethics, moral character and communing with the Spirits of Christ. During the Law of Transcendence, is the moment we embody the greater truth and realization of our spiritual being, knowing our purpose, experiencing our relationship to the God creator, and in the face of this truth, we give up everything so that we can receive something of much, much greater value. The Law of Transcendence removes the veils of light and time, to experience true unity with God, and to experience the interconnection that exists in all things. The truth of our purpose is revealed to us, we see the laws in creation and we are filled with awe at the magnificence and beauty of God’s natural creation.

10. Law of Verification

Astrological Correspondence - Sagittarius – Jupiter - Fire
Chakra and Sphere 10, Solar Christ Mind of Avatar Body

The Law of Verification is the link of what has been learned through the lessons of life and the gathering of that knowledge that has been accumulated, and then verifying those experiences by figuring out how to apply that knowledge into your everyday life. We take our spiritual lessons and then explore the opportunity to apply them to the material world, paying attention to the results we may get. We get to explore ourselves and our perceived limitations by experimenting with the knowledge that has been gained in order to increase our skills, competencies and talents, by changing and experimenting with the way that we do things. Through verification of what we are learning, we access our creative potentials in order to find new methods to address old problems, and this pushes us beyond our limits to increase our self-confidence and personal power to know that we have all we need inside of us.

If we can look at the negativity and challenges we face as life lessons designed to expand our consciousness, we may approach problems in life with a completely different attitude. We then realize we will have conditions, events and people that surface in our world that come to test out what we are learning about ourselves. We are given the opportunity to adjust our thinking, to know this experience as the truth and see it as a blessing, shifting our reactions to many of life’s experiences. The Law of Verification comes into play when building a strong spiritual foundation, when there are things in our life that need to be stabilized and made stronger, because something in the core is weakened. We may undergo tests of character to see how strong we are in the commitment to personal values or spiritual growth, and in what areas we may falter. If we base our decisions in life upon falsity or lies, this weakness will be tested and brought to the surface so that we can see it operating and verify the truth of it through our own experience. This realization supports the ability to perceive where we need to make changes to modify attitudes and behavior, and to perceive the opposing forces of polarity involved, in order to verify if we are acting in alignment to the natural laws, in alignment to our authentic selves. The Law of Verification teaches us a lesson through inner revelation, the path of moderation in all the pursuits in life in order to achieve Energetic Balance, is the key to mastery of this law, which opens the communication with neutral forces, the Trinity Waves.

11. Law of Cycles

Astrological Correspondence - Capricorn – Earth – Saturn, Moon, Nibiru
Chakra and Sphere 11, Buddhic Mind of Avatar Body
Four Royal Stars Unified – The Maji Crown

The Law of Cycles is essentially the movement that occurs in the Wheel of Life, as consciousness experiences itself moving throughout the timelines, facing many challenges and growth opportunities. The Law of Cycles also governs the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, it is directly connected to the Divine Infinite Calculus that connects into the Four Royal Stars, the cardinal directions which instruct the constitution of humankind in the four archetypal worlds. Four is the fundamental math in the blueprint of all structures and things, and four is the Universal prototype in the Law of Structure.

The four archetypal worlds are Emanation, Creation, Formation and Action simultaneously taking place in the realms of Universal Consciousness (Fire), Creative World (Water), Formative World (Air), and the Material World (Earth). Consciousness descends into matter and travels through the Universal Tree of Life participating in the Law of Cycles in order to access knowledge and gain spiritual refinement, to finally ascend and return home back into the Infinite God Worlds.

All four archetypal worlds have correspondence to our personal lightbody, and must be integrated and synthesized in the realm of mind, emotions and spirit, rising its purpose through ideas and blueprints, and undergoing the work in process or spiritual alchemy in order to gain the results of its manifested reality upon the earthly plane. The Law of Cycles principle is a mandala geometry holding the eternal spiral of creation, the entire Collective Consciousness moving through the ideas and patterns, processing the realities throughout the many timelines in the Universal Tree of Life. If we learn to live in harmony with the Law of Cycles, we remember that all things in our experience are subject to change, and the acceptance of that change in the cycles of life vastly improves the quality of our lives. We surrender to the constant cycles of ebb and flow, contraction and expansion, learning our lessons, knowing that when we trust in the Natural Laws, we experience greater alignment with the peace and harmony that exists in the Universe.

The Law of Cycles is magnified by the importance of its position in our Universal Time Matrix in relation to the Four Royal Stars, when astrological precessions are completed approximately every 26,000 years. This Law manifests as cycles within cycles and at the end of every planetary cycle or aeon, so when the planet becomes aligned to the galactic core and the stargate portals open into ‘no-time’, we are eligible to proceed on our evolutionary journey in the Ascension timeline.

12. Law of Vibration

Astrological Correspondence – Aquarius, Piscis Austrinus – Air – Uranus, Solar Logos
Chakra and Sphere 12, Avatar Mind of Avatar Body
Royal Star - Fomalhaut

This Natural Law describes the principle that everything is in constant motion and that nothing rests, and everything vibrates at a rate that is either faster or slower, and also rotates which forms a rate of frequency-vibration. Beyond the material realm and into a realm in which everything is conscious energy, describes the Law of Vibration. Everything in our Universe consists of layers of vibrational frequency stacked throughout the dimensional scales. Energy is consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its rate of frequency. The process of how fast or slow that energy contracts back towards its center point of source field is the vibration rate. The combination of both the pattern of vibration (contraction) and Oscillation (expansion) speed is what determines the frequency rate of all energy and things.

If the rate of that frequency-vibration falls below or rises above a certain intensity, it becomes immeasurable or invisible to the basic human senses. The first thing that is important to understand is that all that exists, whether seen or unseen, broken down into its simplest and most basic form, consists of a rate of frequency-vibration. At the highest levels and at the lowest levels, exist infinite manifestations all occurring at varying octaves of vibration, each with their own energetic signature and quality of manifestation. It is important to realize that every substance, body and being vibrates to its own frequency and that vibration will be amplified tremendously when stimulated by a similar or compatible resonant frequency. Resonating to the positive forces of life, forces of goodness, forces of Gratitude, forces of Love, will amplify these resonances and strengthen our body dramatically. Resonating through ego to the negative forces of fear, rage, frustration and resistance to what is, will also amplify those disturbances in our body greatly.

We can apply the first Law of Mentalism to shift our thoughts in order to change our mental state into a positive state with a higher vibration. Directing focus upon loving, positive states and higher frequencies with an effort of applying personal will in order to shift vibration, is called Mental Transmutation.

This principle explains that the distinction between the manifestations of the planes of matter, energy, mind and spirit are the result of only different vibrations on a frequency scale. The higher the energy of a person is on the scale, the higher the rate of vibration they will embody and interact with.

In the higher dimensions, at the highest rate of Vibration the rate and intensity are so fast that it may appear that entity is effortlessly gliding yet motionless, like a spinning wheel in place that appears perfectly stable. And at the lowest levels of vibration, objects move so slowly they appear to be totally stationary and immovable. Between these two states of being, exist infinite manifestations all occurring at varying octaves of vibration, each with their own unique signature.

The Law of Vibration is magnified by the importance of its position in our Universal Time Matrix, and its ultimate governance by the returning Solar Logos. This Law manifests as the Guardian of the Southern direction in the Pillar architecture that forms one side of the Four Cardinal Directions (N-S-E-W) that are measured in the Cosmic Time Cycle. This is why Fomalhaut is referred to as the Guardian of the South, and is one of the set cardinal directions of the Four Royal Stars.

Law of Resonance

Sympathetic Resonance

Our life force will react to adjust on every stimulus or force that it is being exposed to within the body, mind, emotions or spirit. If the force of stimulus is stronger than the inner life force present, the bodies are forced to adjust in a way where a consequence of that force is perceived or experienced. If the force of stimulus is dissonant the consequence of that force can range from mildly unpleasant to excruciatingly painful. Depending on the inner spiritual core development, will be the relative reaction or response that the impact of these forces will have upon your body, mind, emotions or spirit. If the mind is weak, unfocused and undisciplined, these forces will pack a punch to your emotional body, weakening your life force. Nothing is more powerful than the development of your inner spiritual source and its life force energy. As this motivates one to develop their spiritual body through ego discipline, this increases inner energetic strength, which repels these external and extra-dimensional forces from knocking you around. This is what it means to have a strong spiritual and inner core.

The impact of these forces upon your energetic body and how they resonate with the frequency of your being is called, the “Law of Resonance“.

Law of Vibration

Through the laws of physics, science confirms energy and matter interplay in massive EMF electro-dynamic fields that are measurable in terms of wave forms, frequency, wavelengths and amplitude. The same electromagnetic fields and substances that move throughout the Cosmos, move through our own bodies. Everything in the Cosmos vibrates at its own frequency, which makes it clear that every substance and body also vibrates at its own specific frequency. It is important to realize that every substance, body and being vibrates to its own frequency and that vibration will be amplified tremendously when stimulated by a similar or compatible resonant frequency. Resonating to the forces of “life”, forces of goodness, forces of gratitude, forces of love, will amplify these resonances and strengthen your body dramatically. Resonating through ego to the forces of fear, rage, frustration and resistance (to what “is”), will also amplify those disturbances in your body greatly.

The Science of the Law of Resonance

The lowest resonant frequency of any vibrating object ( which includes a human electromagnetic energy body) is called its fundamental frequency. Most vibrating objects have more than one resonant frequency as example, those used in musical instruments typically vibrate at harmonics of the fundamental frequency. A harmonic is defined as an whole number (integer) multiple that is a part of the lowest resonant frequency or fundamental frequency. As an example, vibrating strings, will vibrate at all harmonics that are a part of the fundamental frequency. The fundamental frequency is also called the first harmonic of the instrument or object. The fundamental frequency for most 3D human beings on the earth is the combined lowest frequency of the three energy centers that vibrate within the wave spectrum of the 1st Chakra (1D), 2nd Chakra (2D) and 3rd Chakra (3D). The variation of that fundamental frequency will be determined through which energy center that human being is primarily operating and resonant as the overall field of consciousness energy. (The overall field of consciousness energy would be the entire human energy field or the human aura.) A multidimensional human being, a person who has been exposed to higher energy centers ( such as through spiritual ascension) and been able to embody that quality of their higher vibration and frequency, may exist, therefore vibrate at a higher fundamental frequency. The human energy field and physical body acts similar to vibrating strings on an instrument which will resonate to an internal or external stimulus exactly like a Tuning Fork. The stimulus being introduced can be anything, a person, place or thing which carries a fundamental frequency and of which is a part of a composite field of energy. Everything has an energetic signature and all energy is intelligent and has a vibrating motion and quality of frequency.

Tuning Fork Example of Resonance

In this demonstration of the Law of Resonance: One tuning fork (insert Person A) forces another tuning fork ( insert Person B) into vibrational motion at the same shared natural frequency. The two forks ( Person A and Person B) are connected by the surrounding air particles and interconnected into the quantum field of local energy space. As the quantum field (and air particles) surrounding the first fork (Person A) begin vibrating, the pressure waves that it creates begin to impinge at a periodic and regular rate (a sample frequency) of 256 Hz upon the second tuning fork (Person B). The energy carried by this sound wave through the quantum field is tuned into the frequency of the second tuning fork (Person B). Since the incoming sound waves from the first fork (Person A) share the same natural frequency as the second tuning fork, the tuning fork easily begins vibrating at its natural frequency. This is an example of resonance - when one object (Person A) is vibrating at the same natural frequency when introduced to a second object (person B) this stimulus forces that second object into vibrational motion that matches the shared fundamental frequency. The two objects vibrating at the same fundamental frequency will potentially amplify that frequency into greater harmonic resonance. The result of resonance is always a large vibration. Regardless of the vibrating system, if resonance occurs, a large vibration results. This is the same principle behind the energies that create the collective consciousness or the group field dynamics. The amount of group bodies resonating at the same fundamental frequency will determine the vibrational quality and amplification of the overall collective field of frequency. Each natural frequency that an body, object or instrument produces has its own characteristic vibrational mode or standing wave pattern. These unique standing wave patterns are only created within the body, object or instrument at specific frequencies of vibration; these frequencies are known as harmonic frequencies, or merely harmonics.Harmonic resonance is an extraordinarily varied phenomenon seen in countless forms throughout the universe within all bodies and objects. Harmonic resonance spans an vast range of spatial scales, from the tiniest quantum material, to wave-like vibrations of the particles of matter, to orbital resonances that emerge from the stars. All bodies (objects) tend to oscillate at some characteristic frequency, and at its higher harmonics, the frequencies escalate in order to that which are whole number (integer) multiples of its fundamental frequency.

In conclusion, resonance occurs when two or more interconnected objects share the same vibrational frequency. When one of the objects is vibrating, it forces the second object into vibrational motion. The result is a large vibration. And if a sound wave within the audible range of human hearing is produced, a loud sound is heard.

13. Law of Gender

Astrological Correspondence - Pisces – Neptune - Water, Aether
The 13th Gateway, Hierogamic Union, Orb Lightbody, Albion and Cathar, Krist and Krystallah

All things exist within the Gender Principle of Creation, everything has its masculine and feminine principle, which produce metaphysical forces that play a role in creation and regeneration, nothing can manifest into being without this law. These forces arrange within the spiritual blueprints that translate into the gender principle that manifests itself upon all dimensional planes. There is not one aspect of life, consciousness and creation where the masculine and feminine principles remain non-existent or absent, it is an absolute truth that the Law of Gender is manifested within everything. It is impossible for creation to take place without this Universal Law in action at some level, even when the gender principles have been replicated, reversed, or manipulated through artificial technology. Whether organic or inorganic the Law of Gender will always apply to what has been manifested. Gender principle is intrinsic to every form in existence including the human body, which is designed in a gender principle biology.

Although the Law of Gender and the Law of Polarity are intimately intertwined, it is important to realize that either gender contains both polarities simultaneously, with the circuitry flowing in magnetic north to magnetic south, which moves in different or opposing directions in a male and female body. The male and female body on the physical plane mirror each other through vibrational correspondence that occurs during interaction between the positive and negative polarity that runs through what could be referred to as magnetic north to magnetic south pole positions. Every male has feminine energy, and every female has masculine energy, and during intercourse we perceive the interplay of these energies.

Once we unify the horizontal and vertical planes of polarity within the gender principle of our lightbody, we develop the neutral point in all energy centers, merging gender principles, which manifests as the eternal life body or diamond sun Krist-Krystallah orb body.

As we bring energetic synthesis between the gender principles, we also synthesize the forces of polarity present into neutral or zero point, and this is the evolutionary journey of the ascension process that merges our physical self with our spiritual bodies and ultimately, God source. When we live in harmony with the Law of Gender, it catalyzes profound spiritual healing that neutralizes karmic burdens and miasmatic patterns, allowing us to be unified and live in increasing harmony with the forces in the external world. Esoterically, to truly comprehend the Universal Law of Gender is to perceive it far beyond the physical classifications and biological limitations, to know that the highest nature of the gender principle is achieving Unity consciousness. Unity consciousness is intrinsically integrated with the Cosmic Sovereign Law of God or the Law of One, and Unity consciousness is the first practice of the Law. This informs us that in order to be in harmony with the Law of One and experience Unity consciousness, we must seek to understand the principles of gender in our personal consciousness, and intend to unify all of its aspects and the archetypal forces that operate in our gender-based identity.

The Trinity Source of the Godhead is a Unity that expresses itself in different aspects, but it creates life in the same way a human being creates life, through hierogamic union of the gender principles. The core light which emanates from the Zero Point, is the Solar light that created all things. This is what gives life and is known in different names, however, we choose to refer to it as the Unity Logos of the Cosmic Christos-Sophia eternal light.

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